An evening constitutional


In our further UK travels this summer we went to my father-in-law’s house in the Cotswolds (which this is obviously not a picture of!) for a few days. We managed to time it just as it was the hottest week of the year, which felt very unfamiliar, as we’re normally there in autumn/winter. Staying in an old house with thick stone walls was PERFECT in that heat. After dinner on our first day there, we went out for a walk to stretch our legs and also because the temperature was finally more agreeable.


Mr Famapa and his friend C have known each other since they were about 4, which is a reeeeeaaaally long time, as we’re nearly a hundred years old now. Almost? Ok ok ok, nearly half a hundred.


Something funny happened as we were walking. Oomoo and R had a permanent cloud of flies above their heads for the whole walk, and we thought it must be down to them being sweaty from running about. Or just being smelly kids? Haha.


Best to get your dad to try and disperse them.




There is something so wonderful to see large expanses of fields and skies again, after having being cooped up in the city for so long.


One of my fondest memories from my childhood are the after dinner evening walks we’d go on as a family in the summers every now and again. There was something so special about being out a bit late, taking in things you’d miss if you were just parked on the sofa watching TV.


Our decision to go for a walk was a spur of the moment thing, and it turned out to be pretty special. We looked at this sunset in awe, I mean, wouldn’t you?!


So glad we made that decision as I will cherish this walk for long time. Maybe even for half a hundred years - if I’m lucky.