Happy Sunsetmas

I had a long post in mind that I would put up before the holidays, which had nothing to do with Christmas, but I underestimated how lazy I can get at this time of year, so this will have to do instead. I mainly want to say thank you for returning back here and for your kind words on the previous post, and to wish you a gentle time over the next couple of weeks. Hope you get to rest and recover in the in-between days, and until next time, I’m sending you a French sunset from August. Lots of love to you all!

Oh, and yeah, I did a little design update again 😉


Last Sunday I was on the Squarespace website, cancelling my subscription, clicking through all the options until I got to the final “OK” button where it said “Your website will be deleted immediately”. As I read that sentence I burst into tears. Total curveball. So I closed the computer, not having clicked on the button, took a breath and wondered what the hell was going on. And then yesterday morning a comment from Esther came onto my previous post, a very beautiful and moving one, saying how much my pictures had meant to her and how they had set her off on her own photography journey. The timing! As if the universe was nudging me to follow the hunch that made itself known on Sunday, and that maybe, after all this time, I have actually changed my mind. So there you have it, I’m doing a u-turn 🙃

Walking on sunshine

Spent a weekend at my friend A’s recently, and as we all craved an autumnal walk, out we went for a 2hr walk in Thorndon Country Park in Essex, a county to the east of London. What a privilege to be able to be in nature, taking in the beautiful colours of autumn, with the bestest of friends. It doesn’t take much to make me happy - and bringing hot tea in a flask is just icing on the cake.