Day trippers


Right at the beginning of the summer holidays Oomoo suggested that we went to back to Hever Castle, bringing our friends C and A with us, and a bloody good idea it was too. Last time we went, three years ago, it was a scorching hot day, but no such luck this year. Heavy rain was forecast for midday, so we headed inside the castle straight after lunch. What’s the back story on this place then? Well, I’ll tell you (hahaha). The oldest part of the castle dates from 1270 (!), but has been added to for centuries, and is most famous as the childhood and family home of Anne Boleyn, King Henry the VIII’s second wife in the early 1500’s. Henry the VIII is probably the UK’s most famous king, what with his six marriages and the initiating the English Reformation. In the end he had Anne Boleyn executed on account of adultery (although it was never proven), and eventually gave Hever Castle to his fourth wife Anne of Cleves, who got away with a bog standard divorce (there’s a rhyme that most English school kids get taught so they remember the fate of the different wives that goes: "Divorced, Beheaded, Died: Divorced, Beheaded, Survived” - nice guy, eh?). Centuries later the wealthy American William Waldorf Astor (the richest man in America at the time) bought the castle and set about to restore it as it had fallen into decline. It’s now owned by a Yorkshire businessman who buys old historical houses and opens them up to the public.


So, let’s head in. Voila, the portcullis. Does it remind you of the Jaws film poster? It does me.


We had to queue for a bit in the courtyard before entering which gave us a chance to have a closer look at the Tudor style exterior of this section.


There’s quite a mish mash of styles in the house, some being more historical and other how the Astors had it. This pictures doesn’t do the room justice (it’s actually sectioned off, so you can’t enter it, and muggins here never has a zoom lens on the camera). It’s a lovely room, with beautiful intarsia wood panelling.


My lovely friend C, taking a pic.


A portrait of Anne Boleyn. I had to take a picture, because as a Swede her surname here made me laugh. Bullen = Bun. Trust me, it’s funnier in Swedish. If you’re 5. Or 46.


You know I have a window addiction, right? I can’t help it.


A view across to the Astor Wing, or Tudor Village as it’s also called (now a hotel), which was built by Astor and not the Tudors, in 1903, in the Tudor style. Confused yet? Tudor architecture was the architecture du jour during Henry the VII’s reign, that also had a revival in the late 1800’s when it was called Tudor Style or Mock Tudor. If you’ve been to London and to the department store Liberty’s you’ve seen Mock Tudor.


It got a bit busy in this room so I waited a bit so I could get this picture without any 21st century people in it. There was a moment earlier when a kid (8 or 9 years old) freaked out as the guided audio tour had just told him that this room was haunted. The sheer terror in his voice! Poor guy.


As I result of hanging back I missed going into this room with Oomoo, who has a fear of dummies like these. He’s never liked them, so I assume he walked past these guys quickly. This is Henry and Anne innit. And a monstrous hand (there was some sort of trail for younger kids to spot through out the house). Can you spot it?


Some nice light and colours in one of the corridors.


I think my taste is changing as I get older. I never liked this style of painting before, but I like the flatness of them now. I think being forced to look at different styles of art in the past 18 months has broaden my view.


This was once Astor’s daughter’s room, or maybe it was a guest bedroom - I can’t remember.. There was another room next door with flowery wallpaper on the walls, as well as the ceiling, and me and C ohh and ahhed over how much we liked it. C said “It’s happened. We’ve gotten so old we now like chintz”. Yep.


And here we are - the chintz liking ladies.

This room had horrible medieval weapons and torture contraptions in it. This iron mask was worn by women for months or years as punishment for adultery amongst other things, to humiliate and punish them in public. There were loads of different masks, specifically for women, and I asked the guide in the room (male) that it seemed a bit unfair that only the women got punished like this, and the men weren’t. He didn’t like the implication of my comment at all, and proceeded to proudly show us an implement that was used to slice women breasts off. It made me think he had issues with women, and would probably have really enjoyed being a man back then.

And then, the sun came out and so did we. Ciao castle!


Mazes are so a-mazeing. I want them to be larger than the ones I’ve been to - I want to get properly lost. Mr Famapa says there’s an order to how many lefts and rights you should take to make your way out without hitting a dead end, so walking them with him is always a quick experience. And here there was, once we got to the middle of it, a straight line out to the exit - which was a cheat.


Edgy hedge.


Piggy hedge.


I like the wildflower meadow planting that we’re all realising is good to have now.


At Hever there is also a water maze, which you walk through trying not to get wet if you’re an adult, and the opposite if you’re not. The maze is a circular stone tile walkway that sprays water if you step on the 'wrong’ tile. For some reason I didn't bring spare clothes for Oomoo (even though we’d been before), so he had to sit in the car for the two hour drive home afterwards completely drenched.


More nice planting.


Best mates statue alert. I love how they’re just hanging out, having a chat.


Let’s see it from the front. It looks like the eagle is telling his pal about the time he accidentally ate a grumpy male guide in the castle 😉.


This is what a lot of summer in the UK 2021 looked like - April in other words. I’m so glad we ignored the weather forecast and just went anyway. If you’re looking for a day out outside London I say GO; I thought I wouldn’t enjoy it as much the second time, but I was pleasantly surprised. And if we hadn’t gone on a rainy day I wouldn’t have got this shot, and that would’ve been a shame.

Clever lady


Oh hello! How’s tricks? As is always the case in September, I have a long backlog of pictures from the summer to post. I managed to cram in a lot of culture as it’s pretty much my oxygen, you know? And with winter looming and who knows what, I just wanted to take advantage of things being open. Luckily there’s been a lot of good stuff to see. Me and my fellow culture vulture D went to see the Charlotte Perriand exhibition at the Design Museum last month and were seriously impressed by the seriously impressive Perriand. I have to be honest here, these exhibition posts are so time consuming to write as I want to try and share info about said artist/architect/creative, but it does mean that it can take a really long time before I’m ready to press the publish button. Do you guys find this stuff interesting or am I making things unnecessarily harder for myself? Feedback would be very much appreciated! In the meantime I’m going to cheat, and you can read up more on Charlotte Perriand here.


Still, I guess I have to explain a bit about her here so this post makes sense. So, Perriand was a French designer and architect who was a part of the Modernist movement working from the 1920’s until the end of the 1990’s (!). She applied for work at the Le Corbusier Studio only to be told by the big man himself: "We don’t embroider cushions here.” (insert massive eye roll). But a year later, having seen her installation at Le Salon d’Automne in 1927, where she had recreated the bar area in her own apartment showing her furniture designs (a bit like in the first picture), Le Corbusier asked her to join his studio on the spot (in your face LC!). She, together with Pierre Jeanneret, went on to design the furniture to go with Le Corbuisier’s houses, who was horrified by seeing how his clients would fill his Modernist houses with antique furniture. The gall!


It was clear that these designs would fit the interiors much better.


Maybe you recognise this design of this chair, the Fauteuil Grand Confort? A Perriand classic, that Le Corbusier and Jeanneret got credited for designing, when it actually was all her work alone. Isn’t patriarchy just great?


And here D is trying out a replica IRL. It’s well comfy. And those colours are just delicious. Putting tubular steel on the outside of the seat was a groundbreaking design at the time.


The Chaise Longue Basculante is such a great design; you can lift the seat section up and angle it however you like. Also very comfy, but hard to get out of gracefully, at least at this angle.


It wasn’t clear in this section of the exhibition that this was a replica of an single room apartment that Le Corbusier, Perriand and Jeanneret presented as an installation at the 1929 Salon d’Automne. This was the open plan section looking one way (I didn’t take a pic of the reverse view with the dining area, I thought this was just a section with furniture on show - put together badly 😂). The bathroom and kitchen section is behind the storage units on the left of this picture.


Sterile, n’est pas? It’s crazy to think this was designed nearly 100 years ago. Those guys were so influential, and it’s even crazier to think that architecture and interiors haven’t moved on that much from the Modernist movement. Although personally I’d never choose to sleep right next to the bathroom sink.


On the other side of the wall at the back of the picture above was the kitchen. Apologies for not taking a wide shot here.


I loved this picture from Perriand’s studio in Montparnasse. It just looks so damn cosy. Towards the late 1930’s she turned away from metal manufacturing and started working almost exclusively with wood. She designed the table in that shape as it let you seat more people comfortably than you could do with a rectangular or square table. So clever. Perriand was also very sporty Spice, hence the still rings in the ceiling.


An example of the table in the exhibition, clearly showing how the design of the table legs meant that they weren’t in the way of guests’ legs (I hate when you have to sit with your legs around table legs).


During WW2 she was invited to go and work in Japan, and on the ship on the way over there she spotted this chalk graffiti on the deck, drawn by a Japanese sailor, which impressed her so much…


… that she copied it and enlarged it onto a rug design. As you can see here, her furniture designs had taken on a much more organic form by the early 1940’s.


Love this picture of her messing about.


Some very cool wall lights that you could pivot the angle on. They gave off such a nice light.


And this chair! Wouldn't mind having a couple of them in the house (I wish 💸).


Some Isamu Noguchi rice lamps - from below. Very much looking forward to seeing his exhibition at the Barbican this autumn.


Looking at my pictures now, I realise I skipped so much as I wasn't intending to take pictures of everything to show what was there - here. I just took pics of what I liked the look of. So apologies for an abbreviated representation of all of this. So what is this you may wonder? Well, Perriand designed the ski resorts of Les Arcs 1600, 1800, 1950 and 2000 in the late 1960’s and 70’s. She had the kitchen and bathrooms prefabricated off site, so that they could be craned into position with all the electrics and plumbing all ready to be plugged in. Here’s the kitchen section


and here you can see the bathroom part in it’s own box. I found this film on YouTube that explains a bit more.

Charlotte Perriand was a genius designer and architect, and by the looks of things a great human being too. In her later years she built herself a small chalet in Meribel, and it was my favourite of all the things she created. There were only photographs of it in the exhibition, but have a look here and you’ll see what I mean. So happy we got to find out more about her and her work; I resent how history has always airbrushed women out if it, unless they were royals. Stupid frickin’ patriarchy.

A walk in Ramsgate


Like I said in the earlier post; at one point in our Ramsgate stay I went out for a walk on my own to have a look around. These stairs led the way from the marina walk up to the top of the cliff above.


I had no real idea of where I was going, apart from that I wanted to find the house that Vincent Van Gogh stayed in when he worked as a teacher at an all boys school here in 1876, in the years when he was trying to find his way, before he devoted himself completely to painting. It’s really interesting to walk around somewhere unfamiliar on your own, it feels slightly surreal, but also adventurous? Maybe one day I should go on a trip on my own, just for a different experience. I remember decades ago, when I used to work on a magazine, and I had to go to Folkestone for the day to take pictures. It was one of the most surreal experiences of my life. Not for any reason in particular; just the strangeness of being somewhere new, with no one else to share it with.


Even as seed heads poppies are so beautiful - aren’t they?


A Victorian wind shelter being used.


I had no idea where I was going at this point. I just followed my nose. This flint stone church looked really impressive.


The Granville, a huge Victorian Gothic style hotel that was converted into flats in 1947. Apparently the tower used to be even higher, but got truncated at some point. So quirky!


This sign above the entrance to the Ramsgate Tunnels caught my eye. I mean, how could it not? The Ramsgate Tunnels used to be part of the Victorian railway, that went straight out of London to the Granville Hotel. In WW2, on today’s date in 1940, 500 bombs were dropped over Ramsgate, destroying over 1,200 houses, and as a result about 300 families moved into the tunnels, that had already been added to so it could function as an air raid shelter. People lived there for the next five years, turning it into a subterranean town with shops, barbers, an underground hospital, and it even held concerts. You can see old footage of what it was like here.


The Pulhamite rock garden on Madeira Walk, built to entice holiday makers to spend more time in the town. Pulhamite rocks are in fact not rocks, but rubble and cement put together to look like natural rock.


And to our 21st century eyes it’s obvious that they’re fake.


How’s this for a mishmash of styles? And why is the brown and pink house turned on an angle like that?


Getting closer to the Van Gogh house now. I thought this Art Deco (I’m assuming) block of flats looked cool.


And this former deli, now a house, looked interesting too. Look at all them vintage pendant lights innit.


Knitted ice cream bunting. Well I never.


Saw a few of these flint houses. This one was the cutest.


And, the colour of this pub got my approval.


Tadaa! And here it is - Vincent’s old digs. I don’t know if you can see them though the curtains on the ground floor, but there was a vase full on sunflowers there. Like an homage.


And from sunflowers to weeds. I was out for a lot longer than I though I would be, so I started on my way back to the house via the marina. You have to admire weeds for being able to grow pretty much anywhere, like through the cracks of the marina wall.


Time for reflection.


And finally, these strangers, having some fish and chips, with a seagull eyeing them up.

Dreamy Ramsgate


Hey peeps. How’s summer been treating you? Ok I hope - despite everything? I’ve found it a bit strange and melancholy. I didn't feel comfortable or quite frankly flush enough to go abroad, and the successive lockdowns feels like it’s quashed most of what was our social life. But hey, there has been some good things too, and good people, and some new places to discover much closer to home. At the beginning of July me and Mr Famapa headed down to Ramsgate to visit some friends for the day, and being there was positively exotic.


So exotic that for some people it was perfectly acceptable to walk around with your shirt off. Well I guess we were by the sea, so why not?


Ahh the sea. I mean is this a view or is this a view? Our friends house is a truly eccentric beauty (more on that later), which they have done up beautifully . We thought we were only coming for lunch, but it turns out there was a miscommunication, and we were expected to stay the night. Luckily Oomoo was already on a sleepover, but unluckily I didn't have my glasses with me, or spare contact lenses.


So we hopped on bikes and cycled into the town centre, where at an optician’s I was kindly given some extra contact lenses for free (people can be so nice!!), and then got ourselves toothbrushes and everything else we needed from the chemist to see us through the night. At least I brought my camera, eh?


Lucky us though, because it meant we got to spend the night in this beautiful bed, with the view in the picture with the view that is a view.


The house used to be a photographer’s studio in the late 1890’s, and was built straight onto the cliff wall, as in the back of the house is the cliff wall.


And the whole front wall into the dining and living room area is just glass, with the most amazing light, or silhouettes - whichever you prefer.


A & E have impeccable taste, and I love how they salvaged a broken table football into a cool piece of wall art.


When they found the property it had been on the market for over a year, and I’m so glad they were the ones who got it, as they have turned into such a great space, with utmost respect to the house.


Yes, that view again.
Sorry (not sorry).


The lady of the manor, making me miss having short hair.


And this has to be the nicest shower room I’ve ever seen! Imagine the daily joy of looking out to a different seascape every day. Sigh.


Remember how I said the house was an eccentric beauty? Well, through a door from the utility room, off the kitchen, you come out into a set of tunnels that were old smugglers caves. There’s also a staircase in the rock wall that goes up to a hotel at the top of cliff, that Queen Victoria used to use (amongst other less historical hotel guests - all though probably not at the same time) to access the sea easier. In its heyday Ramsgate was a very popular sea resort, but the town has lost its glamour since the advent of charter holidays, like almost all British seaside towns.


Ironically, since I’m now a cold water lover, swimming in the North Sea is much more alluring now than any tropical beach. At one point in the day I took my camera out for a walk to check out the town and have a look at the architecture, but that’s a whole other post in itself.

Please don’t poo on me.


When I got back from my walk the house was asleep. All that sea air seemed to have tired everyone else out. As we didn’t know that we were staying over I hadn’t brought my book with me, so I had a look in the book shelves for something to read. To my surprise and relief I found the book I was reading! ‘Great Expectations’ by the brilliant Mr Charles Dickens. I managed to find where I was in it, but I also for some reason read the blurb on the back - which gave away the ending - doh. It was an old copy of the book, which might’ve explained why the publishers thought it was a good idea to do so, but a blurb should never give away the ending, right?


A had earlier in the day bought this puzzle in a bric a brac shop, and while I was away it had been put together, but with Ireland missing. A puzzling mystery indeed.


Once everyone woke up from their naps, we cycled to a pub for pre-dinner drinks in a nice spot by some sort of shallow pool and views across the sea (not in this direction obviously). Our phones thought we were in France and pinged with messages telling us so. If nothing else, my phone has at least been abroad this year.


Cycling back to the house.


Had to lie down for a bit and rest my legs and feet, from the walk and the bike rides.


A putting the finishing touches to our dinner that he had cooked outside in the wood fire oven.


The following morning, with the tide in, me and A went for a swim (I had at least packed my bathing suit!) in the +16c water, which was a perfect temperature. I stopped swimming in the Ladies Pond when the temp got to +19c in early June, as it was like swimming in soup and way too busy for my liking. But here in the sea we were the only ones in it, with people looking at us like we were crazy, or as one lady said as we got out to A: ‘Can I touch you? You must be Superman swimming in that cold water!’ A perfect way to end our 24hrs in Ramsgate - which now looking back on it felt a bit like a dream. Everything worked out perfectly, without us being prepared, and it made me realise how good it can feel to not have everything planned. To go with the flow. Must remember that as we head into an autumn/winter, wondering what’s coming next.