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Heeeeey. I think' it’s too late to say HNY by now, but I hope you’re as well as you can be? December kicked my butt (we all ended up with Covid over xmas - ho ho ho) and January is… January. Hard work. I feel eternally tired and find it tricky to spend any time not at home. I’m usually fine with hibernating, but this winter feels different. So, can we fake it ‘til we make it I wonder? Can I somehow trick myself out of this stupor? Well, in little over a week this wonderful human is coming to stay with us. Can’t really think of a better way to brighten up this toughest of months. What a treat.

Dutch flowers on film

When we were away this summer I decided to not bring my DSLR and only shoot on film. On my birthday we were in Amsterdam with no real plan, but after breakfast I remembered that I’ve always wanted to go to Museum Voorlinden, which is near the Hague. I hadn’t realised that the gardens were designed by Piet Oudolf, so this is where these are from. I was holding back on them with the intention of posting them in the middle of winter, for a little colour boost, but with our world so bleak at the moment, why wait?