Place of worship

I only took one picture during the gig me and Z went to a few weeks ago, and this was it. I got a text from her a week later saying, “Aaahhh, I want to rewind one week and go to the Justice gig tonight!!”. I felt exactly the same; I think it was the first gig that I’ve ever wanted to see again, exactly how it was, because it was that good. We have since made a pact that we will commit to see them every time they tour. The rest of their current tour are all festival shows, but I think I draw the line there. I mean, I’m 50 this year *

* I’ve said this so many times since I turned 49 that I don’t think I’m letting myself be the age I am. I also say it a lot, as so many new people I meet say “You don’t look old enough to have a 15 year old!”, to which I reply “I’m 50 this year!!” 🤪

Jump start

Heeeeey. I think' it’s too late to say HNY by now, but I hope you’re as well as you can be? December kicked my butt (we all ended up with Covid over xmas - ho ho ho) and January is… January. Hard work. I feel eternally tired and find it tricky to spend any time not at home. I’m usually fine with hibernating, but this winter feels different. So, can we fake it ‘til we make it I wonder? Can I somehow trick myself out of this stupor? Well, in little over a week this wonderful human is coming to stay with us. Can’t really think of a better way to brighten up this toughest of months. What a treat.