Buddy pic of the week VIII
Haven’t done one of these in ages. I like how Buddy found the light, as if he knew how to light himself dramatically. Hope you guys have a great weekend! xx
Haven’t done one of these in ages. I like how Buddy found the light, as if he knew how to light himself dramatically. Hope you guys have a great weekend! xx
Sitting in the study the other week I could hear some rustling in the tree next to the window, and saw something move in the corner of my eye. Seemed like someone was on a mission.
I stood up closer to the window to get a better look. Luckily I had the camera next to me, and even luckier, I’d left a zoom lens on it, so there was nothing else to do but try to capture this little dare devil in action. “Drainpipe to climb you say? No problem.”
“Ahaa” I thought. She’s building a nest (yes, I had to google it and it’s the ladies who do all the work - what else is new?).
This gal knew exactly what she was doing. I could hear the Mission Impossible soundtrack in my head as I watched her.
At this point I got really nervous and willed her to not lose her grip.
Piece. Of. Cake.
I watched her do about 10 loops (after she’d tucked the branch away she’d plop back down in the tree again, pick a new one and repeat the steps), and she kept on going even as it started raining. I think she’s nested somewhere on our roof as I can hear someone tiny running around on the tiles up there every now and again, which I guess it isn’t ideal, but as long as they’re not inside the house it’s ok, right? Anyway, I felt grateful I got to witness something so awesome, and the pictures to prove it. It’s been a while, but I think I’m feeling it again. Hello camera, hello blog.
Been getting the binoculars out more often recently. It’s almost time to sit in the garden again and do some bird watching, but it’s been quite cold, so if I see something interesting during breakfast I’ll get them out and watch from the dining table.
Last month’s full moon caught my eye too as I was getting ready to go to bed. It took me about ten minutes to get this picture; I kept getting the exposures wrong (‘cause the moon is briiiiiiiiight - duh) and it’s bloody difficult to focus the camera and line it up with the binoculars when you don’t have three hands (a telescope would of course be better). In the end this was as sharp as I could get it (not very, but better than nothing).
Awwwww. I do love them little robins; they’re so ridiculously cute! I also really like their birdsong, which by the way tends to be the first and last birdsong you’ll hear in a day. I’ve completely forgotten to work my way through this list of birdsongs, which I think I might make my spring project. Tweet tweet.
I should’ve known better, I should’ve remembered. February always kicks my butt. It tends to grab me tightly, pushing me into a dark corner that I can’t always get myself out of. My one sure fire remedy that has worked in the past wasn’t available this year (begins with p and ends with onds), and I’ve tried to keep afloat while accepting that sometimes you feel low and that it’s ok to just go with it. But then, sure as day follows night, March has arrived and things don’t feel as bad. We’re eight weeks into our second strict lockdown with a few months left (although some loosening of the restrictions are coming before summer), and the combination of everyone staying at home and the vaccine rollout is finally pushing our (insane) numbers in the right direction is great news. I did manage to try a few new things within our strict parameters, like running without music, which I’ve never done for the past eight years, as well as running with Mr Famapa (with Oomoo coming along on his bike), taking cold baths (intense let me tell you, but very meditative at the same time), learning how to play chess, and turning Wednesday evenings into (board) games night . There were also a couple of things I watched which felt like balm for the soul. Winter Walks on BBC iPlayer brought beautiful vistas from northern England, for which I very was grateful (I pretty much stopped going outside apart from the runs), and Pretend it’s a City, which has had me smiling the whole way through. I also started watching Wandering Thomas, who films Amsterdam and other cities in the Netherlands as he walks through the streets, which has almost been as good as being there (especially the surreal moment when he walks past my BFF’s apartment building in one of them!), and Not Just Bikes' live streams from his bike rides around the ‘Dam. Seeing as this post is all about sharing some of my self-prescribed “medicines”, I’ll also pass on THE song that has had our household grooving for the last month. Maybe it’ll get you going too. So long February! I’ll make sure I’m better prepared for you next year 😑