

Been getting the binoculars out more often recently. It’s almost time to sit in the garden again and do some bird watching, but it’s been quite cold, so if I see something interesting during breakfast I’ll get them out and watch from the dining table.


Last month’s full moon caught my eye too as I was getting ready to go to bed. It took me about ten minutes to get this picture; I kept getting the exposures wrong (‘cause the moon is briiiiiiiiight - duh) and it’s bloody difficult to focus the camera and line it up with the binoculars when you don’t have three hands (a telescope would of course be better). In the end this was as sharp as I could get it (not very, but better than nothing).


Awwwww. I do love them little robins; they’re so ridiculously cute! I also really like their birdsong, which by the way tends to be the first and last birdsong you’ll hear in a day. I’ve completely forgotten to work my way through this list of birdsongs, which I think I might make my spring project. Tweet tweet.