Time is slower on film


Finally developed three rolls of film that had been parked on a shelf since last summer. I was surprised to see that some pictures from one of the rolls was from 2016, and looking at them was like travelling in time. Love that in this day of instant gratification! This one is from almost exactly a year ago to the day; sunny mornings in the dining room like this one are the best.


What do we reckon happened here? Pavel probably didn't have someone’s number and waited for them for ages, and then had to leave? Or is it just really funny and polite (it’s written in pencil after all) graffiti? We’ll never know.


My girl Z, in the loos at Frenchie. She came over from Amsterdam for a few days in the summer, and it was frickin’ awesome - as usual. So happy we managed to meet up three times last year <3


Here she is walking through a very slim alley in Covent Garden.


Kudos to the lady with the unusually shaped straw hat. I got to a point in my cynical old age where I inwardly eyerolled when I saw people wearing “look at me!”-outfits, and now I’ve come out the other side, and think “Yeah!!! Why the hell not?!”. Still, you wouldn’t see me in a hat like that :)


At the Royal Academy. Pull his leg! Might need to explain the expression “you’re pulling my leg” here. It means “you’re lying to me” in insider English.


Yaas queen. The shade is where it’s at. Have a great weekend yo! I’ll be playing the new Tame Impala album to death - it’s been a very long four and half year wait, but by the sounds of it, totally worth it!