Points of focus

I can’t tell you how fortuitous it is that at the same time as I decide to keep going here, a new-to-me camera falls into my hands. The 50mm lens is growing on me too; I like how my pictures now don’t look exactly like they usually do.

Oh, and to continue on the love of winter theme: have your bestie who lives abroad come and stay with you (for the second winter in a row), so you can go to the cinema on a rainy day, walk home through the neighbourhood under a too small umbrella, bring her along to your weekly choir (oh man, I haven’t even told you guys about that yet) where everyone welcomes her with open arms and you get to sing standing next to each other for the first time. You might go to exactly three exhibitions, as she’s only staying for three nights, and you eat delicious food and drink delicious hot drinks (these pics are all from those days). On one of the nights you’re lucky enough to be able to walk up the hill to watch one of your favourite artists at a gig (WARNING - FLASHING LIGHTS!!) in the local live venue, which was the reason for her coming in the first place. It’s one of the best gigs you’ve ever been to and your watch tells you you’ve taken 5000 steps at the gig - which was you dancing the whole time. You talk life for four days, figure stuff out and part by saying “You/I need to do this more often” and one of you remembers that this exhibition will be on this summer, and that that is a perfectly good enough of a reason to do it all over again.