People in galleries I
Magdalena Abakanowicz
Edvard Munch
Magdalena Abakanowicz
Robert Indiana
Continuing on from my earlier post; over the years I’ve taken pictures of people looking at art without thinking much about it. I now realise that I should be more mindful of doing so, as I could easily turn it into a project. These are from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, Tate Modern and the Courtauld Gallery in London, and Yorkshire Sculpture Park. The three first pictures are from the packed Vermeer exhibition that was on a couple of years ago, and can you believe it, I got told off for taking pictures of people! That’s never happened before. In the old days you’d get told off for taking pictures of the art on display, but this was a first. They made me delete pictures there and then, but I didn't show them all the ones I’d taken. I think it might have been because they didn’t want it to be known how busy it was, or maybe it was a privacy thing. But guys… it’s me! I take pictures of people from behind, weten jullie dat niet? Although pic 5 is clearly evidence to the contrary… 😬