Keep on dancing


Gosh, what a week’s it’s been. Rewind a couple of months and I was feeling excited and good about 2020, but the Covid-19 virus clearly has other plans. I hope you and yours are well, and that you’re not feeling too anxious… It’s crazy how one has sometimes had the thought (I have - have you?) that surely one day there will be a virus that will wipe humanity out, or something else, just like with the dinosaurs? I think we can assume that this bug isn’t the one that will, but it’s certainly given us in the West a taster of what living with a pandemic is like, and food for thought. So today I’m posting this pic from last year; it always makes me smile when I see it, and I hope it’ll do the same for you. Z and Oomoo were playing Just Dance on the Nintendo Switch, and if schools are shut here any time soon, this is going to be a fun and good way to stay in shape - and keeping up morale. Elbow bumps to you all ><