

Hey there! Is it too late to wish you a Happy New Year? Although, let’s face it, it does feel more realistic to say Crappy New Year, don’t you think? I find it a bit funny how people are relieved to have 2020 behind them, when surely this year will be as bad, if not worse (especially here in the UK as we still have a joke of a government in power for at least another four years and Brexit finally has happened - and let’s not forget last week in Washington! - but yes, vaccines is obviously the game changer, although it’s shameful how all rich countries are ordering them all up)?! Ugh. But it’s always darkest before dawn etc etc. Worse things have happened, and we will get through this too. Just got to hold steady…


These pictures are from a local walk before Christmas, when I had more energy and could face leaving the house, and before our third lockdown which we are in now. I would give my right arm (ok, maybe my left? I’m right handed so I use it more, sooooooo) for more sunny cold days, but for the past few weeks it’s been bitterly cold and overcast, which is a pretty rubbish combination, as all it does is make you want to stay inside. I don’t know what tree this is, but it looked frickin’ awesome against the blue sky.


All lampposts should be smiling. Or even cry-smiling like this guy. I ran past him on my run this morning again and he made smile. Or maybe it’s a she?


I love our local woods so much and we are so lucky to live so close to it. And I should know that on days that I feel low, this is where I need to walk myself and clear my lungs and head.


These volunteers were cleaning out the tiny little pond, where opportunistic dogs sometimes go for a quick dip and humans don’t. “My” swimming pond shut last Tuesday, and I totally understand why, but goddamn do I miss it. It had just gotten to the best stage where everyone comes out of the water exhaling deeply because of the cold (it was + 4.5c when they closed) and with huge smiles on their faces.


Not a huge fan of parakeets. They’re noisy and make a mess. I call them the hooligans of the bird world. Every year that goes by with them not nesting near our garden is a good year, and when they do occasionally stop for a break nearby, I will them to keep on flying.


Surely this has to be the world’s best haircut?!! Or maybe half of the world’s best haircut. Such a fun idea.


I’m currently reading ‘The Hidden life of Tree’ by Peter Wohlleben which is making me look at the trees around me with very different eyes. They’re so sophisticated, clever and considerate to each other. It’s the perfect read for me right now, as I have to be very on top of how I’m keeping sane in these insane times. Hope you guys are looking after yourselves, and that you are able to keep your head up through this darkest of winters. It’s sometimes hard to remember, but spring always comes. Always.