At the architect's part II

So, where were we? Ah yes, the Sir John Soane’s Museum. After having explored the crypt it was time to move up in the house to the first floor. You know I love stairs, right? Well, here comes a whole load of stair pictures.


Because these stairs are pretty special. Lots and lots of amazing details.


And atmosphere. Do you recognise the fella in the recess? Yup, that’s ol’ Billy Shakespeare.


And here’s a little sculpture of Mercury.


Such a handsome staircase/well, don’t you think?


Very much appreciate a blind pull displayed just so.


The South Drawing Room. I had to google what a drawing room is, and it’s a room that was only really used to entertain guests before and after dinner, or a room for the ladies of the household to retire to. Imagine having such a room now! Well I suppose some very fancy people still do. Tell me, would you go all out yellow in a room? Not me. Not a fan of yellow walls at all. Or orange. But red? Yes.


I could’ve stood and stared at this window for ages. The light and the shadows were just perfect.


Soane had to go to court in order to be granted permission to build this loggia, which was originally open (kind of like a balcony), but in the 1830’s he added windows so he gained another metre where he could house more of his collection.


Not all of the original window panes have survived.


One last stair pic, I promise. This one was less flash. Must’ve been for the household staff.


The ceiling of the Breakfast Parlour in no. 12. Can you imagine being so posh that you can choose to have your meals in different rooms? I guess some people still are.


One last round mirror to round things off (see what I did there?). The rug is a reproduction of the the original rug in the Breakfast Parlour Room. Looks so contemporary! I’d very much like one thank you please. Guys, if this is your thing, and you find yourself in London, for Dog’s sake go. It’s such an amazing place, and I’m sure as hell not going to leave it for another decade before I go back.