Odds and sods


Little C trying to hide from Mr Famapa. Kinda worked?


Oomoo used to love the Mr Men books that these guys are from when he was younger. I loved reading them to him, always hearing Arthur Lowe’s voice in my head as I read.




The guys under a very handsome, but slightly squashed tree.


Walking tens of thousands of steps is really hard on your feet, and here the three of us are getting the circulation going, back in our hotel room. Oomoo has inherited the pincer-like feet that runs in my mum’s side of the family. Great for yoga, and picking things up off the floor.


“No pictures!”. Not my fault everything looked to photogenic at our hotel breakfast, son.


Matchy matchy. Definitely went for a Dutch theme, even in Paris. That mango sorbet was deliiiiiiiish.

We are the tourists


Seeing as it will be ages before we can easily travel again, and that I at the moment keep taking pictures that don’t vary so much, it’s probably a good idea to work through some of 2019. So here we are, back in Paris, in late July. As we were travelling with children, we felt that we had to tick off the most obvious places to visit, and started off with the Eiffel Tower. I’m not a fan of sticking to the beaten path, and certainly not in peak season, but I know how cool it was for Oomoo to see the sights. Although in the end, the strongest memory of that trip will be how some of the adults in our group pretty much ended up falling out. Going on really long holidays with friends is hard work, but I’m sure you knew that already. Aaaaanywaaaaay…


… here’s Arc de Triomphe - tick.


And Pere Lachaise cemetery - tick. The cemetery was about a half hour walk away from our hotel, so on our second day there, we strolled there in the light drizzle. It was fortunately very quiet, and a respite from the heat and the crowds.


Bit of an unfortunate surname, don’t you think?


This tombstone. I mean, amazing, isn’t it? So many questions.


And yeah, we went to see Jim Morrisons grave, which I’m sure must have been moved or something, as I have a memory of seeing it the last time I was there about 24 years ago, with people sitting around it playing guitars and generally trying to be far out, man.


Now it was empty and sealed off, apart from this impromptu chewing gum memorial.


Later the same day we walked close up to Notre Dame to check on the repair works since the huge fire.


We also found ourselves at Places de Vosges at one point. My eyes were playing tricks on me as I couldn't really read any depth in these buildings, so they looked a set to me.


Crazy to think how these were built between 1605 and 1612. I’d love love love to see what they’re like on the inside.


Crazy to think someone managed to get that scooter up there. I’d love love love to see how they got it up there.

A thousand pieces


Seems like we’ve picked up yet another hobby during lockdown - thanks to someone in our street’s WhatsApp group getting rid of a couple of jigsaws last week. I’ve never had any interest in doing one, as I’m not the most patient person in the world, but I’m so happy I on the spur of the moment sat down and joined in when the guys had a go at a 500 piece one. Jigsaws rock!! We completed it in one sitting, and then swapped it with another lady in the street who’d taken the 1000 piece one pictured here. Even though the weather was great, the pull of the jigsaw was strong enough for me to want to just spend all day working away at this thing. Sometimes we’d get completely stuck, and Oomoo would get the task of finding a particularly shaped piece, and just by going by shape alone he’d find it almost immediately. Like Rain Man or something. My technique was purely visual, I could find where a piece should go by looking at the tiniest details, whereas Mr Famapa kept track of shapes and shades. I kid you not, but I was buzzing for about 20 minutes after we completed it (it took four days of sporadic sessions) and the whole experience was just so satisfying. Now we just need to hook up with more people getting rid of jigsaws, ‘cause I’m jonesing for one baaaad. I guess it’s official. We’re old people now.