The wig factory


The first year we had Buddy he didn’t moult at all. “Amazing!” we thought, “a long haired cat that doesn’t shed!” we exclaimed. Well, I don’t know why he didn’t shed fur that first year, because he now does it ALL THE TIME, like a normal cat. A normal cat on cat fur shedding steroids. So we, I mean Mr Famapa (he’s got the special touch - Buddy won’t have anyone else do it), helps him out, and brushes out any excess fur so all of it doesn’t end up in his belly. So what does Mr Famapa do with all the brushed out fur?


He makes wigs. Makes total sense, right?! Wigs for some of the follicly challenged toys around the house. I’m sure Yoda approves.


And K-2SO from Star Wars: Rouge One, who also gets a wooly hat for all those chilly nights spent on the shelf.


I love the creativity on Yakface here. Not just fur, but whiskers too (cats shed their whiskers as well).


I’m also sure Moomin is into his new locks; that long hair does look darn good under a cowboy hat, don't you think (and no, I don’t know why he’s blue, or so big compared to Moominmamma and Moominpappa)?


Lots of different hair styles going on here. They’re all so goooooood! The last orange dude reminds me of Beethoven. Oh yeah, and side note: might be time to dust the top of that cupboard, and yes, maybe the book/CD shelves too (CDs?!!! why these are still out is beyond me - talk about dead technology! It’s not like we have anything to play them on either)…


This Kokeshi doll has the biggest wig of them all. It doesn’t look it in this picture, but it’s biiiiig.


But why stop there? Why not actually make a real wig for a grown man? *


And if you get bored of one style, you just brush out a new one. Win win.

* what’s up with Mr Famapa’s eyes, you may ask? Nothing. It’s not that he wants to remain anonymous or anything, it’s just that googly eyes run in his family. <3

Saturday morning


Every Saturday morning for the past three months me and my fellow Swede M, who lives two streets away from us, meet up around 8am and walk to the park that’s at the end of my road. We used to go swimming every week together before the Ponds closed, so we came up with a new routine where we could meet up and decompress from our respective weeks. We go for a stroll and at some point we pull our thermoses out, and last Saturday we chose some logs near these giant flowers as our fika spot. It was the first day in ages that was actually warm, and as life feels so scaled back right now, we really noticed. I also couldn’t help but notice how matchy M was with her greens and reds :0)

We’re almost completely out of lockdown; non essential shops could open on Monday, and Oomoo goes back to school next week, but we’re all so settled in our ways it feels quite strange to “get back to (the new) normal”. I’m overcome with inertia and find it really difficult to get things done. Anyone else feel the same? I’ve been so happy with life on pause that starting it up again feels weirder than going into lockdown did. Bird watching, bike rides, jigsaw puzzles and my tight circle of people have been more than enough for the past 12 weeks, but now I’ve got to work on opening up my little world again...