
Hello hello! Hope you’re entering 2025 ok? I felt a bit low towards the end of last week, so I made sure that I headed into town to look at some art. It was the perfect reset, just like I knew it would be. I’ve also got a new camera which I took with me, and I really enjoyed trying it out. I usually shoot with a wider angled lens, so the 50mm one that I used on Friday is literally like looking at the world with new eyes. I’m not sure it’s right for me, but we’ll see. It’s funny how much the blog format dictates whether I shoot landscape or portrait, and I was a bit miffed that I kept going for landscape again, when I’d managed to wean myself off it in the past six months. I never crop pictures afterwards, but when I took the last picture - landscape - I immediately realised that I’d made a mistake. The guy moved before I could re-take it, and I felt Saul Leiter on my shoulder, shaking his head with a sigh. Well, I’m cropping it here Saul - especially for you. And I reckon the picture with the water being swept (NOT cropped) was a little high five between the two of us.

Happy Sunsetmas

I had a long post in mind that I would put up before the holidays, which had nothing to do with Christmas, but I underestimated how lazy I can get at this time of year, so this will have to do instead. I mainly want to say thank you for returning back here and for your kind words on the previous post, and to wish you a gentle time over the next couple of weeks. Hope you get to rest and recover in the in-between days, and until next time, I’m sending you a French sunset from August. Lots of love to you all!

Oh, and yeah, I did a little design update again 😉


Last Sunday I was on the Squarespace website, cancelling my subscription, clicking through all the options until I got to the final “OK” button where it said “Your website will be deleted immediately”. As I read that sentence I burst into tears. Total curveball. So I closed the computer, not having clicked on the button, took a breath and wondered what the hell was going on. And then yesterday morning a comment from Esther came onto my previous post, a very beautiful and moving one, saying how much my pictures had meant to her and how they had set her off on her own photography journey. The timing! As if the universe was nudging me to follow the hunch that made itself known on Sunday, and that maybe, after all this time, I have actually changed my mind. So there you have it, I’m doing a u-turn 🙃

So long, farewell...

… auf wiedersehen, goodbye. I’ve been thinking about wrapping the blog up for a long time, and had thought that a natural stop in the year I turn 50 would make sense, but now I know I don’t have another year of blogging in me. I started the blog in 2008 as a way of getting me to take more pictures (and boy did it work!), but now I have to end it for the same reason. I’ve really enjoyed posting in this space for the last 16 years, but I feel that blogging has stifled my creativity for a while, and that I’ve perhaps gone from my funny eye to my tired eye… I want to thank you so much for having been such a great audience over the years, and to give a special thanks to those of you who’ve taken the time to leave a comment or two - or twenty. I will miss hearing from you, but when an I’m old lady (ok older lady), and hopefully still taking pictures, I’ll remember that decades ago when I sent my pictures out on the worldwide web, there were people there who really liked them, and were kind and generous enough to tell me. What a privilege!

I’m leaving the blog up for a while longer as my contract with Squarespace won’t end until the end of the year, so you’ll still be able to go through the archives should you wish to do so. Wishing you all that is good, and again - thank you so much for stopping by here. You guys rocked.